Orondo Elementary and Middle School

509.784.1333 · 100 Orondo School Road, Orondo, Washington 98843-9723


Orondo Elementary and Middle School is public school by State of Washington, Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Education Data System (EDS). The school code is #2666. The physical address is 100 Orondo School Road, Orondo, Washington 98843-9723. The grade category is Other.

School Code2666
Organization ID100718
School NameOrondo Elementary and Middle School
Address100 Orondo School Road
Washington 98843-9723
ESD NameNorth Central Educational Service District 171 (Code: 04801)
Educational Service District (ESD)
LEA NameOrondo School District (Code: 09013)
Local Educational Authority/District (LEA)
AYP CodeP: Public School
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Grade CategoryOther
Lowest GradePK
Highest Grade8
Organizational Category ListPublic School, Regular School
Congressional District4
Legislative District12

Location Information

Street Address 100 ORONDO SCHOOL ROAD
Zip Code98843-9723

Schools in the state of Washington

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 2 thousand public schools administrated by Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This data includes public schools, Charter Schools, Tribal Compact Schools, and Vocational/Technical Skills Centers. Each school is registered with school code, school name, district code, school category, school location, principal name, etc.