International Community School

425.936.2380 · 11133 NE 65th ST, Kirkland, Washington 98033-7116


International Community School is public school by State of Washington, Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Education Data System (EDS). The school code is #1706. The physical address is 11133 NE 65th ST, Kirkland, Washington 98033-7116. The grade category is Other.

School Code1706
Organization ID101518
School NameInternational Community School
Address11133 NE 65th ST
Washington 98033-7116
Principal NameMargaret Kinney Krepel
ESD NamePuget Sound Educational Service District 121 (Code: 17801)
Educational Service District (ESD)
LEA NameLake Washington School District (Code: 17414)
Local Educational Authority/District (LEA)
AYP CodeA: Alternative School w/ > 50% From Within District
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Grade CategoryOther
Lowest Grade6
Highest Grade12
Organizational Category ListAlternative School, Public School
Congressional District1
Legislative District48

Location Information

Street Address 11133 NE 65th ST
Zip Code98033-7116

Schools in nearby locations

School NameGrade CategoryAddressPrincipal Name
Community School Elementary School11133 NE 65th, Kirkland, Washington 98033-7116Margaret Kinney Krepel

Schools in the same zip code

School NameGrade CategoryAddressPrincipal Name
Community School Elementary School11133 NE 65th, Kirkland, Washington 98033-7116Margaret Kinney Krepel

Schools in the same zip code

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Kirk Elementary Elementary School1312 6th Street, Kirkland, Washington 98033-5638Monica Garcia
Lakeview Elementary Elementary School10400 Ne 68th, Kirkland, Washington 98033-7041Heather Frazier
Twain Elementary Elementary School9525 130th Ave NE, Kirkland, Washington 98033-5266Craig Mott
Lake Washington High High School12033 Ne 80th, Kirkland, Washington 98033-8117Christine Bell
Franklin Elementary Elementary School12434 NE 60th, Kirkland, Washington 98033-8722Keith Buechler
Emerson K-12 K-1210903 NE 53rd Street, Kirkland, Washington 98033-7508Nell Ballard-Jones
Kirkland Middle School Middle School430 18th AVE, Kirkland, Washington 98033-4935Nichol Cassaro
Emerson High School High School10903 NE 53rd ST, Kirkland, Washington 98033-7508Nell Ballard-Jones
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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 2 thousand public schools administrated by Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This data includes public schools, Charter Schools, Tribal Compact Schools, and Vocational/Technical Skills Centers. Each school is registered with school code, school name, district code, school category, school location, principal name, etc.