Ross Eleazer Bautista

5608 17th Ave NW
Suite 1617
WA 98107


Ross Eleazer Bautista is a lawyer in Seattle licensed with Washington State Bar Association (WSBA). The license number is #62049. The practice address is 5608 17th Ave NW
Suite 1617
WA 98107
. The employment company name is Carpenter & Zuckerman. The business phone number is (425) 585-4009. The license type is Lawyer. The license status is Active. The admitted date is April 11, 2024.

WSBA Number 62049
Full Name Ross Eleazer Bautista
Last Name Bautista
First Name Ross Eleazer
Company Name Carpenter & Zuckerman
Address 5608 17th Ave NW
Suite 1617
WA 98107
Phone (425) 585-4009
Email ross(a)
License Type Lawyer
Admit Date 2024-04-11
License Status Active
Eligible To Practice Yes

Practice Information

Firm Employer Carpenter & Zuckerman
Firm Size Not Specified
Practice Areas None Specified
Other Languages Spoken None Specified
Private Practice Yes
Has Insurance Yes

Company Information

Company Name Carpenter & Zuckerman
Address 5608 17th Ave NW
Suite 1617
WA 98107

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Location Information

Street Address 5608 17th Ave NW
Suite 1617
City Seattle
State WA
Zip Code 98107
Country United States

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Michael George Geragos Carpenter & Zuckerman5608 17th Ave Nw # 1617, Seattle, WA 98107-52322023-10-20Active
Nancy Tu Le 5608 17th Ave NW #665, Seattle, WA 98107-52322002-11-21Active
Lance Charles Behringer Carpenter & Zuckerman5608 17th Ave NW, Suite 1617, Seattle, WA 981072023-08-11Active

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 60 thousand lawyers and legal practice officers licensed with Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts. Each entity is registered with license nubmer, full name, employer, practice location, contact information, admitted year, etc.