Wesley Emerson Somogy

240 W Alder St Ste 201, Walla Walla, WA 99362-2807


Wesley Emerson Somogy is a lawyer in Walla Walla licensed with Washington State Bar Association (WSBA). The license number is #61090. The practice address is 240 W Alder St Ste 201, Walla Walla, WA 99362-2807. The employment company name is Walla Walla Prosecuting Attorney's Office. The business phone number is (509) 524-5445. The license type is Lawyer. The license status is Active. The admitted date is August 11, 2023.

WSBA Number61090
Full NameWesley Emerson Somogy
Last NameSomogy
First NameWesley Emerson
Company NameWalla Walla Prosecuting Attorney's Office
Address240 W Alder St Ste 201
Walla Walla
WA 99362-2807
Phone(509) 524-5445
License TypeLawyer
Admit Date2023-08-11
License StatusActive
Eligible To PracticeYes

Practice Information

Firm EmployerWalla Walla Prosecuting Attorney's Office
Firm SizeGovernment/ Public Sector
Practice AreasNone Specified
Other Languages SpokenNone Specified
Private PracticeNo

Company Information

Company NameWalla Walla Prosecuting Attorney's Office
Address240 W Alder St Ste 201
Walla Walla
WA 99362-2807

Location Information

Street Address 240 W Alder St Ste 201
CityWalla Walla
Zip Code99362-2807
CountryUnited States

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 60 thousand lawyers and legal practice officers licensed with Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts. Each entity is registered with license nubmer, full name, employer, practice location, contact information, admitted year, etc.